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Book Marketing
Book Marketing is the act of letting the end user, the reader, know that your book is available and where to find it. Successful books are marketed in a manner that results in a reader purchasing your book and taking it home. A well-marketed book starts with a well-written marketing statement
Starting with the Basics:
To create a truly effective marketing statement, start with the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.
- Who will actually shell out the money to buy your book? Outline their age, finances, gender, and circumstances.
- What makes your book worth the consumer’s dollars?
- Where will your readers find your book?
- When will your readers need your book? At what point in their lives will they need your book?
- Why is your book more appealing than others in the same category are? (Be brutally honest here. Do you compete on price? Is your information more up to date?)
How will your potential readers find out about your book?
Your Positioning Statement
Get all this down on paper and look at it. You are now prepared to write your book’s positioning statement. When you are ready to present your book to the world (readers, bookstores, publicists, buyers, etc.), the most important tool in your arsenal will be the positioning statement. This statement is 100 words that outline for a potential buyer the reasons why your book will be of interest to their clients.
These 100 words should not outline what your book is about. This statement exists to talk about the potential market for your book and how you, as the publisher, plan to reach that market.
For example, if you have identified your core readership as business executives looking for a new job, your positioning statement could look something like this:
Shut Up and Hire Me is a step-by-step program designed for the busy business executive. Each chapter was written and designed to be read in less than ten minutes. Unlike other career guides on the shelf today, Shut Up and Hire Me draws from the wisdom and experience of CEOs from more than thirty Fortune 500 companies. Interviews, combined with proven techniques, are provided to help executives find and land their next position. Author Bill Billiam has hired top New York PR firm, Blown Out of Proportion, and is the author of such previous works as: Better Dead than Unemployed and More Money for Less Work.
Try it and see what you can come up with!
Do You Have What it Takes to Be Published?
It is every writers dream to see his or her book in the front window of the local bookstore. It is fun to imagine tall, colorful stacks of your books surrounded by throngs of curious readers flipping through the pages while others rush to the cash register with their copy.
Feel free to continue this fantasy as you finish your manuscript, but in order to make that dream come true, the time is coming when you have to stop thinking like a writer and start thinking like a publisher.
Whether you are going to publish the book yourself or work to have it published by a mainstream publishing house, believe it or not, writing the book was the easy part. Your work is just beginning.
The first step on this journey to being published is to realize that for publishers, the dream location is not the bookstore shelf; that shelf is simply a short stop on the way to the real destination a readers bookshelf.
The only bookshelf that truly counts is that of the consumer.
If youre truly serious about getting your book published, then you need to shake off the fantasies and take a good, hard look at the challenges ahead. This isnt meant to discourage you. On the contrary, the better prepared you are, the more successful you will be in reaching your goal.
The path a writers work takes through the publishing process, into the retail market, and then onto a consumers bedside table is arduous. I know that, as a writer, you are enthusiastic about your work and determined to see it through to book form. While these are certainly helpful qualities in battling the challenges ahead, there is one tool to help you overcome the obstacles and push forward during the final stretch: knowledge.
Take the time to learn about the industry as a whole, how to think like a publisher, and what steps to take to create a successful book. Step by step, maneuver the book industry’s websites, discussion groups, newsletters, and advice forums.
Here are some importants sites and newsletters that will help you learn more about the industry. Check them out online!
Publishers Marketplace
Publishers Lunch
Publishers Weekly
Shelf Awareness
Yahoo Self Publishing Group
Publishing Basics
The best way to start a journey is to learn as much about your destination as possible. Once you know where youre going, youll be able to plan your route to get there. So set your writing aside for the moment and explore the book industry and learn everything you can about that oh-so-important part of the publishing industry: the reader.
What To Send to a Bookstore Buyer?
When selling a book to the bookstores, libraries, and chains, remember that the people seeing your book sales kit see hundreds of sales kits a day. They will choose a very small percentage of the books they see. Your kit can make the difference between a purchase order and a politely worded e-mail (We regret to inform you ). When you send a package to a buyer for consideration, it is your first and perhaps only chance to impress them. Here is a checklist of what is recommended for inclusion in your package:
- Color printout of the cover on heavy, glossy paper.
- A bound ARC/galley or comb-bound manuscript if the book is finished. Sample chapters printed out if it is not.
- Fully outlined marketing and publicity plan
- One-page title information sheet with :
Author bio
Author hometown
100-word description of book
Order contact information
Book category
Retail price
Page count
Trim size
Ship date
Publication date
Print run
Co-op and advertising budget
Title and ISBN of previous books by author or in the series
Title and ISBN of books similar to yours
Top Ten Reasons Why Your English Teacher-Mother-Neighbor-Friend-Church Secretary Cannot Edit or Proof Your Book

- An avid reader with a red pen is not a good substitute for an editor who knows how to polish and refine another’s writing.
- The amateur editor or proof reader does not know all the elements to look for.
- They have not developed the years of training it takes to catch almost every mistake.
- They do not know the proper arc and format of each type of book.
- They do not know The Chicago Manual of Style standards for book publishing.
- They do not know how to code a manuscript for the designers.
- Yes, they catch every spelling mistake in their daily lives, but they do not catch every spacing, line setting, page number, and margin error.
- They are not practiced in working in the publishing industry. They cannot offer the advice and guidance that a professional can.
- They do not have the software and computer skills to work as efficiently as a professional.
- Hire an amateur, and you will might lose your chance to publish a good book and end up publishing a could-have-been-good book.
You Are What You Think
Okay everyone… I mean it. It is time to turn off CNN and stop obsessively reviewing every news feed about the economy.
I know the book industry (and most other industries) are in the crapper and that there are huge losses being reported every day.
But it’s time to get down to business. I’ve had enough of the hand wringing. I am sick of the culture of panic that we have all agreed to live with.
If it is true that we are what we eat, that we become, in large part, a sum of what we put in our bodies, than I believe that it is also true that we become a sum of what we put in our minds. I am not a huge fan of mind-body-hooey and can promise you that I will never read The Secret, but I do know this: We create our own reality.
If we spend all of our time being afraid of the future, we will not have the energy to improve that future. If we spend hours each day talking to cohorts about how bad things are, we are wasting opportunities to make them better.
I plan on spending some time each day working on ways to help my small, fledgling business survive this “down-turn”. Not only do I plan to survive, I plan to thrive.
People are going to need books and companies will need help coming up with creative ways to make and market books.
I can spend the next few months blaming everything on the market or I can start believing that every day hold new opportunities, even in a recession. I can either wallow in depression and accept defeat before it has arrived, or spend my day happy and excited, doing my best.
How are you going to spend your day?
How To Get The Cover Design You Should Have
It’s not hard to learn what a properly designed, professionally published book looks like. Thanks to Amazon and the Internet, you can do much of your research from home. A lot, but not all. Your fingers won’t be able to do all the walking. You also need to get your legs moving … up, down, and around the aisles of your local bookstore.
Internet chat rooms, industry magazines, and online bookstores can provide some good information, but if you are serious about becoming a savvy, market-driven publisher, you need to spend a great deal of time in the marketplace. It is time to get out from behind your desk and get out among the books.
When you get to the bookstore, wander up and down all the aisles … not just those of your favorite categories. With a pen and paper in hand, slowly pace around the store moving your head back and forth noting titles that jump out at you from the shelves. After six or seven aisles, go back and look at the books you wrote down. Were they face out? Were just the spines showing? If the books you noticed were spine-out, what do the spines have in common? Was the lettering large and easy to read? What colors were used?
Now go wander around the display tables—all the tables, not just the ones you would normally peruse. What cover do you notice first? Which books do you think about picking up? Write these titles down. Go to the next table and continue to notice your reaction. Write down the titles of the covers that draw your eye there. Once you have cruised all the tables and aisles, you will have a strong list of the spines and covers that appealed to you.
Your list from the bookstore is a great way to discover what you like in a cover. The next step is to find out what the bestselling books in your category look like. This can be done online. Go to Amazon or (or both) and pull up the top-selling books in your category. Scan through the covers and see what colors are hot right now. Check out the fonts and see what the books have in common. For example, for a while, many bestselling self-help books were yellow and blue. During that same period, a majority of the bestselling business books had white covers and huge lettering.
The colors, fonts, and looks that herald an up-to-date cover change constantly. Once you have done your research, don’t rest on your laurels. Return to the bookstore and check bestselling lists every month to stay current.
You have found what appeals to you and identified what a new bestselling book in your category looks like. Can you find a book on the bestseller list that has the qualities that appeal to you? Can you find two or three? Grab the covers from the Internet and make a file to later give to your cover designer.
What Happens Next?
A client of mine has just crested 4000 units sold into the “traditional” book market. She has sold to bookstores, online and libraries. She has made no money. The cost of manufacturing and promoting her book to GET 4000 sales has far outstripped what she has made.
Another client pre-sold 3000 copies of each of her three books into a national chain. She has yet to see a dime for books sold 8 months ago. The big retailer does not need to pay the little guy.
Returns are killing the creative publishers, slow-to-pay wholesalers are crippling the small houses and the shipping costs are climbing at a dizzying rate.
I would suggest that a fully executed, well marketed sales campaign handled totally on line makes some sense. Shoppers look for information on the web now. Why not offer them the books they need while they are on line?
Amazon and others buy in small, appropriate quantities, rarely return any books and pay monthly.
Are stores the wave of the past? Is brick-and-mortar dead? Dying? Is there any reason to stay with actual bookstores?
Booksellers will say that they provide a valuable community service, that they can recommend and nurture a wonderful gem of a book in a way the internet cannot.
Total Crap.
Yes, bookstores are a lovely place to spend an hour and they are a community resource, but in this economy and with time at such a premium, the average reader can get the exact same services from a trusted book review blog.
Word of mouth has moved on line. It may be time for book retailers to do the same.
More Layoffs at Borders Group Inc.
Yesterday I got the call from a VP at Borders that it was to be his last day. Long time merchandise department employees were being moved out and a new structure was being put into place. This was the third such call I’d gotten in the last few months from Ann Arbor. Over the last year, Borders has been structuring and restructuring, working and reworking their systems to try to find the right balance between the old way and the new.
With so much speculation about whether or not Borders will be sold or if they will declare bankruptcy, I am glad to see Borders is still working to try to find answers for their business. I hope they find what they are looking for… the thought of a Border-less book industry makes me a little queasy.
For years, Borders was seen by publishers as the “good chain”. They were open, more laid-back, their schedules and processes were less rigid than other retailers. They were the Ben & Jerrys of the book world.
But times have changed, things are looking bleak, financial reports are in, and Borders is not as successful as their more corporate rival.
I put it to you… why not?