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Summer Reading


Have the perfect beach read? As we head in to the Memorial Day weekend, summer is just around the corner. If you are a publisher or author with a book that’s perfect for summer reading – for adults OR kids – now is the time to make sure that your Amazon page is ready to go and you have a marketing and sales plan to get the word out about your book over the summer.

Here are 5 things you can do to get the word out!

1. Amazon Optimization and Top Review Campaign – Can readers find your book on Amazon? Do you show up in the first several pages? Do you have recent reviews. Now is the time to make sure that your Amazon page is ready to go for the summer. If there hasn’t been any recent activity on your book page, make sure that you are updating your tags and information. New reviews are also important. Don’t let your book page languish during these key summer months.  If you want help setting these up, take a look at The Cadence Group.  They do a terrific job.

2. Get Reviews – If you have the perfect summer read, you want people talking about your book. A great way to do this is to approach book reviewers, book bloggers and category bloggers and ask if they are willing to read and review your book. Always be respectful! If a reviewer or blogger doesn’t have time to read and review your book, offer to write a guest post. Most book people are willing to help get the word out – even if they don’t have the time to do it themselves. The more that people are talking about your book, the more buzz you will create. Get people talking today!

3. Visit your Local Book Store – If you think your book is appropriate for a summer read, visit your local bookstore and ask if they would be willing to stock a couple of copies of your book for the summer. Dress professionally and have a sales pitch. If they say no, thank them for their time and move on to the next store. A lot of local bookstores are willing to support local authors. Don’t be afraid to ask!

4. Launch a Giveaway program – Nothing sells a book better than a book! Spend the summer months doing giveaways. You can do this online as well as offer free copies of your book to local book clubs, libraries and other organizations. Commit to giving away your book to as many potential readers as possible. Just one free book could result in a recommendation that could increase your sales. Don’t discount word of mouth!

5. eBook – Do you have an eBook? Is your ebook available on the eBook sites at, and If not, it’s not too late! You can get an ebook created and uploaded in just 5-10 business days. More and more readers are choosing eBooks – unlimited books at their fingertips and all they have to carry is the eBook reader of their choice



Why is Everyone Selling My Book Except Me?


This week I have received a number of questions from a client who has seen her book for sale on Amazon’s Marketplace, B&N’s used book page, and other used and cheap book sites.

“Where did these come from?” she asks.  Her next question was how to hire a lawyer to stop the sale of her book from which she gets no recompense.

After phone-pouring her a stiff drink, I explained where they came from and why there is nothing she can do about it.

First off, several of the sites that list a book do not actually HAVE the book.  Computer bots have scurried around the book websites and grabbed new book information as it is released. The bots then send the book info back to their host computers who post the book automatically. I love seeing one of my clients $16.95 books on sale for $203.50 at a used book site.

But other than that, the books you see ARE real.

Smart authors print pre-release copies of their books, Advance Reading Copies or actual book copies, to send to reviewers and jounalists during the early months of a book’s marketing campaign.  Dozens or even hundreds of copies of these books are sent out to reviewers and editors asking for some attention.

Bethany Brown of The Cadence Group says: “We here at the Cadence Group always sticker the books we send out with bright orange stickers stating that the books are for review only and not for resale.  But even with those stickers, the books always show up for sale on Amazon, B&N, and other used book outlets. It is the reality of the review world.”

Once a book is reviewed, the reviewer is well within their rights to do whatever they wish with it.  A LOT of reviewers have a local used bookstore that will take boxes of books each  month.  These used bookstores, having bought the books legally, put them up on their Amazon and other retail marketplace pages.

I will say here what I said to my now-no-longer-letigious client.  Let it go.  A few used copies bought cheaply will only help get your book out there.  The more people who read it the better!  If you sent out 100 books, then brace yourself that 86 will be sold as used or almost new.  That is 86 more readers than you would have had.


“I want to sell a million copies”


I hear this sentence at least three times a day.  A million copies. The magic number.  Just thought I’d throw a few more magic numbers out there….

Here is a brief run down of Stephen King’s latest marketing program for his last book from an October 2011 Wall Street Journal Article.

Mr. King and his publisher, Scribner, face an odd challenge as they unleash an elaborate marketing campaign to promote “11/22/63.” How do you rebrand one of the world’s most famous and successful living authors? Scribner is targeting history buffs with book-giveaway promotions on and history sites. To reach news junkies, the publisher bought ad time on 11 p.m. news programs in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The 30-second ad, which will also run on the CNN airport network and on the A&E and Syfy networks, shows archival footage of Kennedy’s Dallas motorcade, with a voice-over that says, “What if instead of justwatching history, you could change it?” Mr. King’s book tour will include appearances at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston and at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, the site Oswald fired from. The Dallas museum is preparing to host 1,000 people.

So what do we take away from this?

Mr. King has a huge following and decades of New York Times Best Sellers behind him.

He was on the road for weeks doing events in high-profile locations.

His publisher purchased ads on CNN, A&E the 11pm news in major markets.

Scribner also launched a multi-platform online campaign that gave away over 3000 books.

The magic number since the book released last November?  According to Bookscan, Mr. King has sold 576,361 copies across all formats.

One of the best-selling authors of all time spent over a hundred thousand dollars on marketing with his publisher and even with eBook sales included, did not reach a million copies.

What is the real magic number?

It starts with the amount of time you spend getting the package of your book right

It is followed by the number of months you spend planning and orchestrating your launch

Right behind that is the number of ads and programs you participate in.

But that last number does not count much unless the ads and programs are in top venues (USA TODAY, PEOPLE, CNN…)

Next up is the number of PR and marketing professionals you are working with.

Then is there are the amount of reviews you get

A BIG number is how many retailers are getting your marketing and PR information to convince the buyers to buy your book.

Finally, there is the elusive “tipping point” number.  How many people have to love and recommend your book before it takes on a life of its own?

So what is the answer to the question “what are the right numbers for my book?”.

It is different for everybody, but start with THOSE numbers and THEN tell the world how many you plan on selling.  If you are going to spend 20 hours and $4000 on sales and marketing, your book will not “catch fire”.  The stories of books that grow from nothing and become huge successes have enormous numbers behind them. Numbers of hours, numbers of dollars, numbers of supporters…. the ratio varies, but the totals are the same.  At least a million….


What They Think They Know About Books


I get calls all the time from people who “know” the book publishing industry.  They have written a book and have been avid readers for years… so they assume that they are the key demographic and what they know is fact.

More often than not, what they “know” is old news.  Now I assume that no one reading this falls into this category, but perhaps we can pass this info onto the others…

So, once again:

  1. Hardcovers no longer are the standard for “serious” books and are rarely purchased
  2. POD has become more acceptable to bookstores, but you still need to print some and offer them through traditional distribution or fulfillment companies to be taken seriously by the bookstores.
  3. Digital Printing has improved in quality and you do NOT need to print thousands of books.
  4. There are even fewer print and online reviewers of consequence but…
  5. Reviews are still KEY.  Most libraries and major book chains need professional reviews before they will consider a small press title in any real quantity.
  6. Libraries and bookstores are not necessarily the best way to get to readers anymore
  7. Most books are not sold in bookstores
  8. eBooks have taken a much bigger portion of book sales
  9. There are MORE readers now than there were a year ago THANKS to eBook readers
  10. Inexpensive eBooks are the best way to get your book out to the most people and create a buzz.  It does not “cheapen the book, it gives the reader a chance to sample something they would not otherwise because of a special offer.

Call if you want clarification on any of these!  518-261-1300  or email


Friends Don’t Let Friends complain about Facebook


Once again, there is a hue and cry over the changes made to Facebook. A service that brings enormous enjoyment and connection to millions of people everyday for free. Enough complaining! Facebook has the right to introduce improvements and changes and you have the right to not use it if you wish.

I’ll go on the record here:

The changes might actually be an improvement once you stop freaking out about the fact that something is different. Now we can make lists of friends and not have to wade through all the minutiae of every person who lands in that grey spot between unfriending vs. hiding vs. terribly interested.

Relax. Try it out. See what you like. Give it a few days. THEN make a solid, rational case for your opinion. “I just don’t like change” is not a position which one should state publicly. Shhhh…. go play with your new Facebook and stop cluttering my new “Top Stories”.


When to say “When”


Recently, a few authors have come to us and asked if it was time to “pull the plug” on their book marketing efforts.  These authors have spent time, money and a lot of energy promoting books that have still not found a large readership.  When is it time to say “When”?

My thoughts on this run the gamut from “Now” to “Never”.  To be specific… there comes a time when investing money in your marketing plan no longer makes sense.  If you have hired a reputable, hard-working PR firm, if you have spent the time and money on marketing your book to your core readership, if you have made your book available through fulfillment or distribution channels… if you have done all of this for over a year and  you are still not selling books?  It is time to put away the checkbook.

BUT, it is NEVER time to put away the clock.  This book is your baby.  If you still have the time to watch Mad Men, then you have the time to participate in discussion groups, visit your local library’s book club, participate in a local author event, review other author’s books on line…. there is always something you can do with our time to get your book out there.  You never know when the “right” person will read it and it is your job to keep putting in the time to promote your book. 

Some books take years to take off.  But it won’t happen if you have given up.


Social Media and Online Book Marketing


We had a wonderful time today talking to Sherrie Wilkolaski about Social Media and Marketing your Book Online.

Here is a recording of her great advice for authors:



What Sort of Publishing is Right for You?


Below is the recording of last week’s great session about the different faces of Self-Publishing.

We also mentioned some websites everyone should check out before choosing a self-publishing option. These are forums and/or blogs where folks ask questions and provide information about their various experiences with some of the different vanity presses, co-publishing companies, publishers and literary agents.

Here’s a list of some links we really like:

Preditors & Editors – Whispers And Warnings
Activity Stream – Absolute Write Water Cooler


When to be an Author, When to be Publisher


Great Free Advice Friday today everyone!  Here is the recording of our session today!


What if I Booked an Author Event and Nobody Came?


We had a great time today on Free Advice Friday talking about Author Events.  Some of the key points from our chat:

  1. Book your event at least 60 days in advance
  2. Take responsibility for every aspect of your event.  Don’t leave anything to chance or the bookstore.
  3. Drop by the store 5-6 weeks before you signing and discuss signage, calendar listing, newsletter announcements and invitations with the manager.
  4. Don’t be shy!  Send out invitations and ask for RSVPs!
  5. Print up postcards, bookmarks or flyers for the store to give out.
  6. Break up your event with numerous short readings to grab numerous new customers and make the most of your time.
  7. Some signings are slow with few attendees.  Don’t take it personally.  Keep going!

There was A LOT more, so if you want to hear the entire chat, here is this week’s recording.  Enjoy!
